Masati’s Story

My 2nd NDE gave me abilities and wisdom that unlocked code to the holy grail of abundance.

The pursuit of worldly wealth and universal wisdom has been my lifelong quest. My journey for truth and the desire to unlock the Unwritten Laws of Success started long before my first near-death experience. I believe that this deep yearning, which turned into an obsession at the young age of 22, culminated in finding the answer in the most unconventional way.

My first near-death experience occurred following a warehouse accident where I worked during college. Despite suffering a crushed jaw and a torqued neck, the experience itself was the most incredible thing I had ever witnessed. A feeling of euphoria and peace, a sense of being home, and an overwhelming feeling of love and beauty graced my presence in this timeless reality where all things are possible. I had entered another realm or dimension. During this time, I gained insights into universal wisdom and spiritual truths. This event the start of my exploration into the science of spirituality and consciousness, an area where fields like neurobiology, neurotheology are making strides in understanding the brain-spirituality connection.

However, like many, I was ensnared by society’s conventional definition of success, pursuing material wealth and external achievements. Despite my achievements, it became the biggest failure in my life. I was spiritually broke and lay awake at night wondering if I had sacrificed too much. plagued by poor health, aging, and unsatisfying relationships. I realized I wasn’t alone; I Googled successful people and how they died or who was depressed.

Refusing to accept this hollow version of success, I set upon a relentless quest for a deeper truth. My journey led me through the vast landscapes of neuroscience, psychology, and ancient mystic teachings. I pushed my body and mind to its limits. My quest led me to uncharted waters of psychedelic explorations. I studied the most successful people in history, including titans like Elon Musk and the stoic Navy Seals, learning from the likes of Tony Robbins, Joe Dispenza, and Sadguru.

I came to a hugely disappointing realization: The type of success that we’ve been taught, glorified by the elite and the media, is 85% wrong. In fact, it can fuck you up more than it helps you. Dazed and confused, about to give up, I ran across a quote by Jim Carrey.

He said, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”

If the rich and famous couldn’t unlock the mysterious code, how the hell was I supposed to? I would have died for the answer. And I did…I experienced a journey that eclipsed even the grind of Navy Seal training. Both harrowing in its intensity and illuminating in its wisdom. The experience literally rewired my being.

My second near-death experience occurred during a drowning accident in Belize. This profound incident led me to transcend into a realm where I gained access to deep universal wisdom. This transformative experience endowed me with extraordinary abilities. Among these abilities is the unique capacity to access and influence genetic coding in individuals, enabling remarkable transformations. 

These changes may appear almost magical, primarily because they surpass the boundaries of what current scientific understanding deems possible. This experience has significantly shaped my approach to personal and spiritual development, challenging conventional scientific limitations.

My 2nd NDE gave me abilities and wisdom that unlocked code to the holy grail of abundance. I applied the principles to my personal and business life, and the results were mind-blowing.

The kind of success we all crave is known as spherical abundance—a harmonious blend of health, wealth, relationships, and spiritual connection.

Over the next 15 years, I invested millions, conducting over 100,000 client research sessions. We got astonishing transformations that caught global attention purely through word-of-mouth. This journey wasn’t just mine; it resonated across continents, among diverse individuals and organizations.

I’ve become an advisor to billion-dollar brands, governments, the quietly wealthy, prominent figures, as well as thousands of small to medium-sized businesses and individuals. They all seek one thing: the elusive code to spherical abundance. Despite attempts to suppress this knowledge, The XICode—a groundbreaking technology set to revolutionize our understanding of success and fulfillment, is now recognized worldwide for its transformative power.

With a wait list surpassing 800 clients and having undergone rigorous field testing that transformed tens of thousands of lives, the XI Code has proven that its solid.

My team and I have perfected an easily accessible, step-by-step system. This system has created rapid transformations within weeks, unlike traditional methods that can take decades for similar results.